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Bee Simple

Bee Simple

This was a little bit of a "what's in the pantry" cocktail. We like making cocktails, but don't always remember to buy fun ingredients when we're in town.....

3/4 oz citrus juice*

3/4 oz honey syrup** (or sweetened to preference)

2 oz We-Can't-Call-This-Whiskey

In an iced filled cocktail shaker, add all of your ingredients. Shake until the cocktail shaker*** has frosted, pour over ice in an old fashioned glass.**** Garnish with a slice of your citrus fruit. 

*I used a clementine leftover from Christmas, any citrus would work. Preferable fresh, but you could squeak by with bottled lemon juice SSSSSHHHHHHH

**Super easy honey syrup: equal parts honey and water. Honey being diluted is easier to shake in, otherwise it's honey goo stuck to your shaker....

***Cocktail shaker can be anything that won't leak: protein drink container, mason jar, tupperware, old yogurt container if you really hold the lid on tight....

****Any glass will do really, but you sound wayyyyyy more bartendery if you identify your glass to guests.


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